Goals for August 2015

Story of the

Learn Photoshop

I see blogs with pretty pictures, and I want mine to look the same. I know most people make their graphics in PhotoShop, and it has been on my to list forever, so the time is right.

Complete the #Whole30

As I said yesterday. I have not fallen off the wagon completely but enough that my ADD and allergies have made a big comeback. I want to do a whole 30 to reset my body. I am hoping that a 30 days will be enough to reset my body. We shall see.

Finish up my desire map

I had heard of the Desire Map through some online friends, and I read it but have yet to finish up my desire map. I want to do this ASAP so that I can’t start living life according to what makes me happy.

Learn to Cook

I have finally figured out that when you eat out, it is hard to control what goes in your food. My cooking skills are almost nil, but one has got to start somewhere right?

Improve my NetGalley Score

It is so low right now that I am afraid to take even a look. I am putting ARC a priority this month so that I won’t be embarrassed by my score.

Take more Pictures

One of my few regrets is the lack of pictures that I have. There are so many things I wished I had more pictures of, so I am going to work on this. Plus I have the iPhone 6 Plus, which takes excellent pics, so I have no excuse.

Do the stuff on my Super Better App

I did this a while back, and it helped my depression A LOT. I have been in a funk lately, so I am restarting

read at least three books a week

I am beeminding this on Beeminder and so far so good. I want to keep the streak going.


  1. Making goals is so helpful! I tend to make weekly goals and it is so encouraging when I meet them.

    Good luck with your goals!

    1. Hillary says:

      Yeah..Every time I work on one I feel a sense of statsfaction.

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