Review: Days of Blood and Starlight

Days of Blood and Starlight    Blood and Starlight is the sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bones. If you haven’t read that one yet be sure to read it first because Days of Blood and Starlight is not a stand along novel.

This book starts where Daughter of Smoke And Bones leave off. Karou has found almost everyone dead and to avenge her people she takes the survivors of the army into the human world in an isolated place and resurrects the chimeria soldiers. The resurrects soldiers then wages war on the Angels.

Akiva has lost his appetite for killing chimera’s and is trying his best to stop the war but with the chimera killing angels that is a difficult task to follow through.

The war is starting again but can Karou and Akiva find a way to get everyone to live in peace?

This book is as  good as Daughter of Smoke and Bones. A good story is one that is supposed to make you feel. It hooks you in and makes you a part of the world. You feel the pain, betrayal as raw as if it happened to you. This is one such book. There was pain in Daughter of Smoke and Bones but  Days of Blood and Starlight will rip you open.

The love that we see at the end of the first book takes one breath away. Then the betrayal hangs over us and in the second book one waits and see if Karou can find a way to forgive Akiva. It is said that love conquers all. We must ask ourselves how deep can a betrayal go before there is no turning back. Karou’s race was all but annihilated. Does Akiva deserve forgiveness or has he went to far? Is she doing the right thing by resurrecting the soldiers?

We get to see more of the  other world Eretz in this book. The world building is phenomenal.  Taylor gives descriptions that indulges all of the senses so we can get a firm grasp Eretz and have a clear picture in our heads. We get a sense of a people trying to survive and of a people trying to wipe out a race. The characters come alive on the page. We can even get a good idea of the not so human chimera and how they play out in the world.

This book covers the themes of forgiveness, mercy, revenge and regret. These are all things they well feel in real life and seeing them play out in the story gives us an idea of how we can process such feelings. This book is a Young Adult book and while it has a lot to offer young adults It also has appeal for adults. We as adults have the same feelings and sometimes need a way to process such feelings and reading them in a story such as this gives us a safe way to do so.


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