come and see what my February #goals ae

February 2018 Goals

I feel that it is important to have goals each month that will allow us to carry out our dreams and live life as we choose. I am the type that if I announce my goals I am more likely to stick to them for fear of embarrassment if I fail so each month I post my goals here! Be sure and leave me a comment and tell me what YOUR goals are!

click through to see what my February 2018 #goals are!!

Pitch some websites

I need/want to start pitching websites to write. I say I want to write, but I like to stay in my tiny little shell an that is not going to get me anywhere. I tell people if they want to be a writer they have to write and it is the time that I practice what I preach. That includes coming up with brilliant ideas and pitch them. I will be honest with you I am TERRIFIED of rejection, but this is the ear that I get over it and act like I run A small business which is what I do.

Learn alllll about automations to save time

I have been reading about some peoples blogging workflows and automation and I was right there ARE better ways to do a lot of the receptive stuff that I have been doing. If I could cut down on copying and pasting and writing stuff down twice that would free up a LOT of time. I have been playing around with Zapier, and it is a lot more powerful than I initially thought. I mean it is A-MAZ-ING! For example, I use Trello for my content calendar, and I can set up zaps so that it will automatically fill in topics that I use every month like my weight loss progress and the Sunday Post, etc. I figured that out, and I was like OMG I have been typing all this by hand when I did not have to! There are others that I will talk about in a later post.

Try time blocking

I need to get a handle on all my projects. I am the kind to get easily distracted. I get a text or notification on my phone, and I am all like oh who is this? The problem is that it takes me a while to “get in the zone” and once I am in it, I need to STAY in it to be able to do my best. I have bought a forever plan on Freedom that I use to block EVERYTHING on my phone and computer and Kindle when I am trying to write, and it has been a lifesaver. However, I find when I am reading blogs I feel as if I have to put them in SmarterQueue and it breaks up my flow of reading to get inspired. (Yes I read blogs for ideas, and I feel inspired to blog looking at what my fave bloggers such as the Skinny Confidential are writing about). I need to just save it in pocket then once a week put it in smarter queue.
I HAVE started with only writing Sunday through Friday and Saturday is strictly for editing and OMG I get SO MUCH done this way! I can’t believe I did not do this way back when!

Keep reading and blogging

I feel that work wise that January was great. I kept up with all my clients, and I have blogged almost every day. Along with reading. My reading Mojo is back full force. I called my dr in Ohio to beg her to send me the Ohio meds as they work better than the ky medications. I found out there are different companies that supply various generics and it seems that Ohio gives you the REAL deal while KY pharmacy is not much more than a placebo. I had like five meltdowns last month. FAKE PILLS!! Anyway, now that I have meds that work I find my anxiety is all gone, and my focus is razor-sharp, and I CRUSH all my goals. I can focus on reading and write for longer than 5 minutes again, and it is glorious!

Put my health first

I noticed that when I get ultra busy I ten to neglect my health. Like I will be like no I don’t have time for a workout or some such. Or I will tell myself that I “deserve” a pizza when in reality gluten makes me feel like shit. I will spend money on stuff like clothes and makeup then I feel like crap, so I stay in my Pajamas. I have come to realize that I will feel so much better if I invested in my health and to me, that is my Young Living essential oils, supplements, and long hard workouts fora dopamine hit among other things. This month I vow to put my money where my health is.

Meal prep on Saturdays

I am DETERMINED to get this weight off this year. I won’t have mom to cook for me after I go back to my apartment so I have to make sure I always have something quick to fix, so I won’t be tempted to go out to eat and get up to 600 pounds. Meal prepping is a way to combat this problem. Just do all the prep work on Saturday and then during the week when it is time just throw it all together and presto dinner!

Learn how to use my new air fryer


The air fryer is a funny story.My mom got it for me for Christmas, and I opened it up, and it was like this…….contraption. I honestly had NO IDEA what it was. Mom told me to put it back in the box and put it up until I go back to my apartment in Cleveland.
Later I was browsing Amazon for this pink table that I saw on the Skinny Confidential Instagram, and I HAD TO HAVE MY VERY OWN! So I got it. Then I was looking and came across the very same contraption mom had gotten me! I read up and found it was an AIR FRYER. I was like oh ok magic fryer. I looked at Pinterest, and there are trillions of low carb recipes using that thing, so I want to learn how to use the air fryer.

Get back into paleo and going to the gym

Ok, I slacked off on the exercise front in January. The problem is when I try to exercise at home I am all like oh lookie my couch and if I am staring at my computer I statt thinking off all that I need to get done that day. Then I get anxiety that I wont get it done and I cant focus. I even bought a year subscription to Beachbody on demand so I could exercise here but like I said I have slacked on the exercise front

I am still paleo mostly. Hehe, diet coke is a bitch to quit but other than that I am good. I have looked up  a shit ton of recipes on Pinterest and trying them out. My cooking skills are improving drastically. Yippie!! #wifegoals


  1. Good luck! These are great goals!

    1. Hillary says:

      thank you!!!

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