My Top 9 for 2017

top 9 books of 2009

I swore I wouldn’t do it. This has been a horrible reading year. Maybe the worst since before I learned to read at the age of 8. Yes, I realize that is a late age at learning to read but YOU try learning to read a language you cant hear. IT IS HARD.  Alas, it finally all clicked in place at the age of 8 and I was a die-hard reader ever since. Last year I fell into the dark abyss of bipolar depression and ended up reading only 43 books. Heh, I mean how you supposed to pick a top ten when you didn’t even read 50 books. So I didn’t I picked a top 9. That was really difficult. It seems that most of what I read left me feeling meh.  I am not really sure if it was the books themselves or the fact I was riddled with anxiety and depression while reading them. Ahh, who knows but I looked over my Goodreads of the books I bothered to track and managed to pick 9 books that I felt somewhat enthusiastic about. So here they are in no special order. Note that these refer to the books that I READ this year and not which books were published in 2017.

Power of Habit (Review) This year was a re-read for me and A LOT more stayed with me this time around than when I first read the book. I finally got the hang of working out and not smoking by implementing the habit loop. It just goes to show that WHEN you read a book can play a role in how much it impacts you.


You are a Badass at Making Money (Review) Talk about getting info when you need it most. I listened to this on audio and it blew me away. I realized that I had a shit ton of money blocks holding me back. As I like to say growing up in Central Appalachia did not really prepare me for an economically upward trajectory but alas. One can learn to break out of the poverty mindset and that is just what I am doing.

White Hot Truth (Review) I love Danielle Laporte. She is brilliant if you ask me. I read this when I was deep into my depression. I actually received an ebook version as a birthday gift. I remember thinking this depression would never pass but reading this book made me feel better and most importantly it gave me hope.

Unfuck Your Habitat (Review) My apartment used to look like it could be on an episode of hoarders. Seriously I didn’t really think I had a problem till a friend forced me to watch the show and my apartment was on it!! #kiddingnotkidding seriously though my apartment looked like the apartments on the show and after lots of therapy and medication changes later I took a good look around and was overcome with despair. I begged my mom for help and together we whipped the part into scrubby lean shape in three days. I used this book as a guideline for keeping up my apartment. I even downloaded the app and it helps me tons.

Reading people (Review)  I love the Modern Mrs. Darcy Blog so when I head that she was releasing a book I went over to Amazon and placed my pre-order. I learned HOW to apply frameworks to my actual life and that has been super helpful

Keto Reset Diet (Review) I am one of the biggest supporters of the Paleo diet you will find. My health has improved dramatically since I started the Paleo Diet. I was scrolling through scribed and saw that he had a new book out. I listened to this on Audio. This will forever be known as the first entire book that I understood on audio. I also got some new to me tips on how to tweak the diet for even more benefits.

Get Well Soon (Review coming soon!) Another book I listened to. Hey, you try being profoundly Deaf for 37 years then you gain the ability to “hear” and well understand actual words I bet you be listening to all you can too. Anyway, this book was fascinating in a morbid way. I was listening while waiting for a table with my parents at cracker barrel and gross…but I still loved this book.

How to Blog for Profit (Review) Well I have always been curious how people made money blogging. It seems that in the book blogging community making money off your blog is kinda taboo for some reason. I read this more out of sheer curiosity then I became curious to see if I could make this blog profitable. I am gonna give it a good solid try in 2018 so we shall see!


Queens of Geek (Review) See I do read fiction! This book was adorable. It paid homage to female geekdom. As a hardcore geek, I found this book charming.


And there u have it! The top 9 books that I read this year. I tried hard to pick ten but all the other books I was just meh over.


What book was YOUR favorite in 2017? Tell me in the comments! I need some book recommendations.


  1. Great list! You Are Badass at Making Money is high on my 2018 TBR list. I plan to listen to the audiobook. I know I have a lot of money blocks I need to address as well. I also really enjoyed Reading People. Have a wonderful New Year, Hillary!

    1. Hillary says:

      I hope you have a wonderful new year also!

  2. Sorry you had a tough year. *Hugs.* I have Get Well Soon on my TBR shelf, so I’ll be reading it next year.

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