My Top Productive Tip


I used to be ADD and jump from one thing to the next and at the end of the day I always felt like I did not get anything done. This was affecting my business, so I sat down and put everything that I had to do in todoist then picked the top 3 things for the next day that HAD to get done. I then scheduled out 90 min blocks with a 20 min break between them.
I followed this for the last several weeks, and I was surprised at how much I accomplished. I found that if I forced myself to focus ONLY one one thing at a time then at the end of the day, I had done more than if I had jumped around from task to task.
For example, I want to write blog posts three days a week for this blog, and I am doing The Nectar Collective Pinterest course. I used to write a couple of sentences then pin a few things. Back and forth I went. At the end of the day, I saw I hadn’t pinned that much and what I wrote was crap. I saw that I could not multitask and still turn out good work. I even found research on this to back me up. However, if I focused on writing for 90 mins then took a break AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER then came back and pinned for 90 mins and so on I turned out better work, and I got all my pins in AND my work was written well enough to go on the blog. This was a revelation for me. I had always felt that I was a good multitasker until I started my own business then I found that I sucked at it. I think most people will find this true for themselves also.
Then I ran into the problem of wanting to check my Twitter and Facebook and Instagram while working. I found that Rescue Time has a feature that allows you to block distracting websites on the computer. I tried this but again I always just went to my phone, so I went on the hunt for something that blocked everything. I found Freedom. I had to laugh when I saw the name, but it has a computer app and an iPhone app. It blocks the whole internet. You set up how long you want it to block the internet, and you can’t get on the internet at ALL until the time is up. Even if you restart the phone or the computer, it still stays blocked. I ended up getting a lot of writing done just to stave off boredom. I think that it is well worth the price. They have also have a free option but if you choose that you have to go on their website to start the program. If you pay you can start the program from your computers, start menu.
So with picking three things the night before them scheduling time blocks (you should time yourself so you know how long each task takes you then that way it will be easy to plan things)and when I HAVE to get writing done activate Freedom, and I can say that now I am productive. That is the best feeling ever!

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